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Centre for Open and Distance Education – OSC ID9401

The University offers a wide range of Programmes both short-term and long-term leading to Certificates, Diplomas, Undergraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Degrees and Doctoral Degrees, which are conventional as well as innovative. Doctoral Programmes are however currently offered on a full or part-time basis in India. Most of these programmes have been developed after an initial survey of the demand for such programmes. They are launched with a view to fulfil the learner’s needs for:

  • Certification,
  • Improvement of skills,
  • Acquisition of professional qualifications,
  • Continuing education and professional development at the workplace,
  • Self-enrichment,
  • Diversification and update of knowledge.

Through the Centre for Open and Distance Education, the University is currently offering 18 programmes in Kenya.

  • Registration fee: USD 100 (paid at the time of registration only)
  • Year 1 fee or per semester fee at the time of registration.
  • The methodology of instruction in this University is different from that of the conventional universities. The Open University system is more learner-oriented and the learner is an active participant in the pedagogical (teaching and learning) process. Most of the instructions are imparted through distance, e-learning and occasional face-to-face counseling.

    The University follows a multimedia approach for instruction which comprise:

    • Self-instructional online or printed material
    • Counseling sessions
    • Teleconferences
    • Practical/project work
    • e-Learning
    • Virtual conferences

The system of evaluation in IGNOU is also different from that of conventional universities. IGNOU has a three-tier system of evaluation, which involves:

The programmes have been divided into two semesters every year: January to June and July to December. Consequently, there are two examinations every year: one in June and the other in December.

Registration to different programmes is undertaken at the Overseas Study Centres subject to the conditions that the candidates fulfil the eligibility requirements prescribed by the University. The prospectuses for various programmes are available from the Centre and in the University website.

Programmes Offered at Centre for Open and Distance Education

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Programme Duration

The minimum period of completing the programme is as indicated. However, a longer period of study is permitted for all programmes.

The University admission is conducted in two cycles – January and July.
Each cycle is preceded by the recruitment of students at Overseas Study Centres.

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